*turn back your biological clock


Both Harry and I have lately been following our own advice and hiring trainers. Harry iws going with a Super-slow coach and I met this morning with a more traditional guy…a former Boston homicide detective, body builder and all-round charmer named Walter. Not so easy to find a guy here in the hills but Walter drove over, spent the night and put me through the paces early this morning. His conclusion: great legs, good back…terrible upper body. And you’re eating too much crap. So I am “rededicating myself” – a teeny bit – to a more rigorous weight training regimen, with emphasis on the upper body. Gotta do it.
But here’s the interesting thing: I have been doing this stuff forever…and just spending some time with a serious trainer is STILL inspirational and motivating. You have to have some one else to watch youi…keep you going.

About Author

Chris Crowley

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