Then on to Aspen for most of a Total Immersion Week with Jen (these Weeks continue to blow my sox off, the content is so sophisticated and the attendees love it so much). Then on to Baltimore to talk to 450 health care execs, insurers and others, including a nifty guy named Boris Lushniak who happens to be the Deputy Surgeon General of the United States and a guy with a real clue about the need for a Revolution in behavior. Now catch my breath for a couple of days… then off to Malibu for another talk. And THEN, by heaven, off to France for a real vacation. Phew. Swapping apartments with a nifty woman in Paris… we plan to sit, veg out and eat great meals. Olive the selfish Havanese is coming too… they love dogs in Paris. Oh my? Sweet, sweet life. A little hectic but so sweet. Chris
PS Hilly did a portrait of her old prepschool headmaster which was unveiled Saturday night at Oldfields School… a highlight of another kind. Wonderful portrait… grateful crowd. Fun.
Chris: Do you ever have time to get to the gym?
I go to the gym – especially when the weather is less good – all the time. Even in the height of summer I make myself do some real weight stuff… and that’s always the gym. Here in Paris today, off to a wonderfully fancy one. Not much of a hardship Chris