*turn back your biological clock


Went to Boston yesterday – always a treat – to see a guy named Jeff Taylor, who started Monster.Com. Big energy (surprise), young, lots of fun and utterly unphased by his own importance and the $88 billion he presumably made, becoing the Monster Man. Lots of talk about YNY…lots of talk about your generation. Nice morning. And – and this is the only point, besides name-dropping – he is a powerful believer in the uniqueness and importance of your generation. Such a believer that he is about to start a new business focusing on you and your little needs.

You in this generation are so very lucky. Because there are so very very many smart, able people who give a damn about you and your aging and the quality of your life in the Next Third. Harry and I are trying to help. The Monster Man is going to help (big time, I suspect) and it only remains for you to get off your butt and help yourself. In the end, alas, that’s what it’s going to take. So get up. Put on your lycra. Go to the gym. Repeat.

About Author

Chris Crowley

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