*turn back your biological clock


Up in the dark, here in the hills. Drive to the airport in New York soon… fly to Seattle to give a talk. Love the prospect but – maybe a sign of aging – how I hate to leave my cozy study, up here in the Lakeville house. I have been locked in here so long – slogging away on the book – you’d think I’d hate it, but quite the contrary. Such luck to have a great room in which to write. And a terrific home gym, out the door, in the barn. And Hilary and the foolish dog. And all the rest. Good life. So.. off to Seattle. Another show.

About Author

Chris Crowley

1 Comment

  1. Charlie Brown (I promise!)

    I want to buy a really good, accurate heart monitor but one that it easy to use, see & doesn’t have a bunch of bells & whistles – any suggestion?
    Love your book!


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