*turn back your biological clock


Interesting day, yesterday. Spoke the opening of a Del Webb “active adult” development in Georgia. I was impressed by a couple of things. First, the housing – which is designed, generally, to be a step-down in size for people over 55 – was pretty good. Pretty good indeed. “And the prices (between $250K and 450K) were amazing to someone from this neck of the woods. But the real pay off – if it works, as they maintain – is that it is STRUCTURED to promote social interaction and physical activity. And, they say, it really works. I cannot attest to that, but I am charmed by the idea…an area for people in th Next Third that is structurered to promote activity and commitment. Pretty good idea. Isolation in the next third kills. These guys are working against that. Good luck to ’em.

About Author

Chris Crowley

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