I hired a personal trainer last year when I turned 50. It was the best several hundred bucks I ever spent. I was slim, but not fit. I could hardly do 5 mins on the treadmill and had zero...
Chris, I just want to second your very sound suggestion. I was one of those who resisted joining a gym as though I were going off to a nursing home or something. It took me a year, but this...
Younger Next Year on Oprah Radio – Second Appearance

Overcoming Life-Changing Challenges What’s the biggest challenge facing you and your partner? Oprah Radio host Dr. Laura Berman talks with Chris Crowley, author of Younger Next Year, and his wife Hilary Cooper about how they coped with Hilary’s near-death accident....
Younger Next Year on Oprah Radio – First Appearance

The Best Types of Aerobic Exercise. Oprah Radio talks to Chris Crowley, author of Younger Next Year, about the best types of aerobic exercise and why you should exercise six days a week . Listen to the show at Oprah Radio

In this clip, Dr. Henry Lodge, co-author of the Younger Next Year books, shows that you can become stronger, healthier and function more effectively as you grow older. Airing June 2011 on most PBS stations (check your local listings...
Love: What’s Age Got to Do with It?

O, The Oprah Magazine – Feb.2007 Issue: “If Chris Crowley, 72, goes by any book, it’s the one he wrote: Younger Next Year. He is on a mission to stay as youthful as he can for his wife, Hilary Cooper, 48. Chris...