When you get to be a little old guy, there’s a good chance that you ought to do some yoga. Because you tend to tighten up…your core turns to mush and all that. So I’ve been doing it. Twice....
There are some lovely perks that sometimes go with our work. On Monday, Hilary and I are joining a grouip of major health club owners and managers to go by raft down the Grand Canyon. I am told by...
Harry has the sniffles
Just a brief note to say that Harry – who is as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar in all things – has had a serious, mystery illness the last two weeks. He’s actually been in the hospital for...
A Randomness To Being Sick
Yesterday a nice looking guy stopped me in a supermarket and asked “Are you the book guy?” I was and, of course, he turned out to be a fan. Here’s the thing: he had been a dedicated runner all...
biking in springtime up here in theBerkshires…roughly as good as it gets. And the early rides whisk me back, in memory, to learning to ride…in the spring…68 years ago. There was a two-step “boarding” spot…designed for horses. And a...
In case you missed it, may I give a plug for my comments about Cooper on the Home Page today. I was down there for a couple of days, this week, and was hugely impressed. A very interesting place...