Here’s a dreary, Holiday note. Just spent an hour with our financial advisor, a very cosly gent who has not taught us anything new since we met. We hire him – crankily – just to come around once a...
I’ve been feeling a bit whiny lately, as the weather up in the Berkshires goes from unseasonably warm to normal. Which is to say, freezing cold and gray, even in my home gym. My spirits were revived by a...
Take a peek at the comments on the blogs sometime. Here’s a beauty, from Elysia in southern Oregon. I added the solid caps…it would not have occurred to her, I think. “This morning my guy and I rowed a...
Again, an urgent plug for a) joining a gym and b) joining an exercise class. I did not feel sensational this morning and would surely have flubbed if I had to make a bunch of decisions myself. But I...
In the men’s book (we were scared to do it in the women’s book) we said that all of us will, eventually get hit by the “ugly stick” and get a little goofy looking. Goofy skin, goofy hair and...
Kedges do work, as I keep saying. I am still cranked, after the Head of the Charles and motivated to move on to the next thing. We’ll see what it is but, again, I can’t say enough for the...