*turn back your biological clock


My youngest kid is 45. (Hey, that’ll happen and the great news is that, after forty, children are SO much easier. And after 50?…don’t even ask.) Anhow she did a hell of a thing last weekend…swam with her water polo team out in San Francisco in the FINA championships along with some 7200 other Masters women. A lot of them were in their 30s and 40s but one woman did a 50 yard butterfly race…at 85! Talk about active aging!

Ranie’s team did not do terribly well, I’m afraid, but they competed against a lot of former Olympians and had the time of their lives. Won a prize, too, for being the most loveable team. (HUH?) True. And had the time of her life. I am beyond proud. And she is Younger This Year.

If you have any masters stories, please share. The whole subject scares the hell out of me, but imresses me too.

About Author

Chris Crowley

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