*turn back your biological clock


Putting the garbage out the back door, ten floors up in our NYC apartment, had a homey moment from old fashioned America. Met my neighbor Don, doing the same thing… started to talk. Nice man. Turns out he is a bit of a YNY fan. A MAJOR YNY fan, it turns out. His wife got him the book two years ago and today, at 78, he’s in amazing shape. He comes over… coffee… I hear the lovely story. He does weights, hard, with a good trainer, two days a week and does some aerobics but not enough. Never mind, he has lost some weight and he is in amazing shape. Hilary and I are invited to poke him in the stomach… not a normal event in over-the-back-fence chats here in New YOrk. We do so, reluctantly. And are amazed. Poke all around his torso – front, sides and back – and he is rock hard and lean. At 78! I am jelly by comparison. And his life is good. Mine too. New York has its moments.

About Author

Chris Crowley

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