To my continuing astonishment, I turned 86 this week. And I’m glad to report that it was a joy, despite the wretched Covid-19. We were up in the Berkshires most of the week, working in my lovely study, biking...

Congratulations. You are embarking on a regimen that will change your life in astonishing and wonderful ways. Let’s talk about that for a minute, up front… set the darned old hook and get you committed. Then we’ll talk about...
Comparisons are Odious

As a lot of you know, I boast endlessly about my modest athletic stuff, to vindicate the advice in Younger Next Year and other books. Fine… that’s fair. (BTW, I did whopping 35 mile bike ride in 85 degree heat yesterday…just...

There is no scientific proof that exercise helps a lot to prevent or ease COVID, although it sure seems logical…especially the part about strengthening your lungs and your circulatory system. Whatever the facts about that, we’ve known forever that...
Last Bike Ride

This is the last good day for a while. And I have this goofy surgery coming up on Monday, an “ABLATION” for the damned old atrial fibrillation, which may take me out of the game for a while. So...
Good Read: The “Younger Next Year Back Book” by Chris Crowley and Dr. Jeremy James

Jeremy James and Chris Crowley – the latter is the originator and coauthor of the “Younger Next Year” books – have written a comprehensive guide to Jeremy’s protocol for ending back pain called “The Younger Next Year Back Book.” The original “Younger Next...