*turn back your biological clock


Went to Stratton Vermont, to ski today with Harry. Harry has a tremendous amount of charm. And it took every grain of it to get me to do eastern skiing. A sensational day here, apparently…lowering, grey sky, intermittent rain, sleet snow and – here and there – sheets of blood. Another day in the east.
Actually the snow was fairly good. Had to hop over the sheets of frozen blood, to be sure, but fairly good. Harry didn’t notice. The lines were not that long…never more than an hour and a half. It was fun. Sadly, we have to get in the car and go further into Vermont to ski with a bunch of new tormentors, near Stowe. Oh boy.
But guess what? All this workout baloney does work. Miraculously. I am 150, as you know, and Harry and I were whizzing down the blacks, in the ice. And, of course, the frozen blood. Couldn’t do that if you didn’t work out. On to Aspen.

About Author

Chris Crowley

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