DECEMBER IS TOUGH for people trying to stay in decent shape. The weather is nasty…cold, wet and unwelcoming. The nights are sprinkled with parties and opportunities to eat and drink too much and the days are apt to be...
Tag Archives: Gym
Why Posture Matters At The Gym

By: Bill Fabrocini The primary purpose of the typical exercises we do in the gym (whether at home or in a club) is to reinforce good patterns of movement that we need for everyday life. Think about it: squatting...
Why Mobility Matters

By: Bill Fabrocini Everything we do in the gym — squats, lunges, pushing, pulling, rotating, etc. — should become a reflection of what we do in everyday life. Longevity of our bodies, especially our joints, is largely dependent upon...
Let Us Teach You About The Neutral Spine
BILL FABROCINI When your mother told you to sit up straight at the dinner table she knew what she was talking about. Most of the patients I see these days in the physical therapy clinic suffer from back pain...
We are generally good kids about going out the door, even when the weather is nasty. But this is ridiculous. The temperature has been zero or below for days, the wind is howling and I am spending most...