To my continuing astonishment, I turned 86 this week. And I’m glad to report that it was a joy, despite the wretched Covid-19. We were up in the Berkshires most of the week, working in my lovely study, biking...
Tag Archives: healthy
Skin Check

Just got a note from a YNY fan thanking me for “saving my life.” I like a touch of praise, but this was probably a bit over the top. No it wasn’t. Turns out he heeded the advice in...
BackForever: The Subscription, Back Pain Video Protocol

Brace yourselves: this Fortnightly is going to be a commercial, plain and simple. A rare exception to our rule, but it makes sense here. This whole thing is only going to be of interest to serious back-pain sufferers. But...

My beloved, old Orca was smashed to pieces when that #%^^&**! texting or whatever driver smacked into me in July on a clear street in downtown Salisbury Ct. I was back on my pins in a few days, but...
Exercise for Aging Muscles

This is important. Intense aerobic exercise is even more critical for older people than we have previously said. Big deal. The Best Exercise For Aging Muscles Certain kinds of exercise may mitigate the effects of aging at the cellular...
The Tide Is Rising

There was an interesting little piece in The Times recently that may be an omen of where we’re going in this country, a nice one. Smart hotels are spending more dough on more and better gyms. Huh! How come?...