Hilly and I are on the plane to New York after a couple of days at the current Aspen Club/YNY RETREAT and we – like most of our guests –are starry-eyed. First it was the height of leaf season…...
Tag Archives: healthy
Why Posture Matters At The Gym

By: Bill Fabrocini The primary purpose of the typical exercises we do in the gym (whether at home or in a club) is to reinforce good patterns of movement that we need for everyday life. Think about it: squatting...
As the supply starts to get a bit low, I tend to look at good days with particular affection and gratitude. Here’s a beauty. On the road last week and again next. But wonderful, free weekend…fine Sunday. Slept late,...
The other day I did a blog about cold weather (“Enough Already!”) about the horrible cold spells we’ve been having and how – at some point – you don’t go out the door to exercise any more. You...