*turn back your biological clock


Back in town at last… and still missing the Rockies like crazy. Love it here but the last weekend there was SO magical. New snow, a bunch of local pals… and skiing our pretty little brains out, as if we were all 40. (Some of them were but, miraculously, we stayed together). We played in the steeps and the deeps… the bumps and The Dumps (the name of some runs) all day. On Saturday, we were so into our double black diamond frenzy (the new snow made it easy), we forgot lunch. I NEVER forget lunch but we did,  on this last day of the year.  If I never ski again in my life for some reason, I will remember this day with bursting pleasure and, frankly, pride. Old boys playing with the kids in the hills. Oh boy! Hilary, by the way, was an absolute champ. Brave? Oh, yes!

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Chris Crowley

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